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Mon Valley Expressway expansion back on track thanks to additional funding
Mon Valley Fayette Expressway ~ Pittsburgh to Interstate 70 (1991)
Work on final portion of Mon-Fayette Expressway to begin soon
Construction on next phase of Mon/Fayette Expressway set to begin next week in Jefferson Hills
Officials break ground on next phase of Mon/Fayette Expressway
Work Resumes On Interstate 70 Yukon/Madison Interchange Construction Project
Expansion of Highway 72 to Begin Later this Year | May 22, 2023 | News 19 at 6 p.m.
New dashboard tracks hydrogen sulfide in the Mon Valley
She is $50 richer and a LEGEND! 🤣 #shorts
Road construction project plans to re-align South Strand intersection
The Mon Valley Fayette Expressway 1990
Mon-Fayette Expressway Bridge dedicated to veteran